Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Building Relationships

Building and Maintaining Relationships

“Life is about relationships rather than products, places or things.
The value and benefits derived from Real Estate is first thought to be established on the bases of location, location and location.

When it comes to relationships it is communication, communication and communication.

The quality of your communications will have a direct affect on the quality of your relationships whether it be spoken, written or unspoken such as body language or silence. No communication at all will eventually result in no relationship of any value or benefit at all. Relationships are given birth to by communication, are built on communication and most importantly maintained with communication”


  1. Communication should be an academic topic in all Elementary and High Schools. Learning the English (or whatever) language is great, but life and life's relationships is definitely about communication.

  2. I like it Brad, if you want to build and or maintain a rock solid business of any starts with personal relations and communications, AMEN. The very uniqueness of this thing called communication that builds relationships, is that you can do this from any where in the world these days.
